Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Thoughts on Illicit Affairs... An Interview I did for American Curves Magazine "Taboo Women"

Some men really like the forbidden and I'd love your opinion of the pros and cons and the dangers of seeking out the following women:

Your Boss- This is dangerous territory for the Boss, as sexual harassment suits run rampant these days. But if you have a fantasy about being over-powered, dominated, or even humiliated by a woman this can be a sexy option. But you gotta be careful, don't wanna piss the boss off, hence you might lose your job.

Your buddy's mom- This could be dangerous territory for your friendship with your buddy. It's not everyday that a guy will jump for joy that his friend is sleeping with his mom, unless he's extremely open minded, real good friends with his mom or he's the one instigating the situation, so it's important to check the friendship first. Otherwise, if you have a Mom or older woman fantasy this can be extremely hot. Older women tend to know what they are doing sexually, right? It would seem likely.

Your buddy's girl- Again, dangerous territory for your friendship with your buddy. The only reason people resort to sleeping with their buddy's girl, is because they are either envious or jealous of their buddy, and/or they live in a small town where she is the hottest girl out there. There is just no good reason to go down this road, if you really care about your friendship with your buddy. On the other hand, if revenge on your buddy, or to inflict pain on your buddy is something you are looking for, this can be an extremely hot and powerful sexual exchange.

An employee you supervise- Again, this is dangerous territory for the supervisor, as sexual harassment suits run rampant these days. This can be hot though if you desire the submissive, subservient, adoring eyes of someone looking up to you. The power difference in this type of relationship can be hot, giving the supervisor a feeling of power.

The married woman- If the idea of sex with no strings attached works for you, then this can be an ideal situation, and if you are married then this can be an even better situation. I am not condoning infidelity but sex outside of marriage does happen. The appeal of having sex with a married woman is generally because you want her affections that she has for another, or you just want hot sex. Be very careful, this can get extremely messy if you both are not on the same page, and emotions always have a tendency to get the better of us, so if you are going to engage in any type of illicit sexual act, set some ground rules first together. And, remember, that ground rules may sometimes be broken too, so tread carefully.

The woman of an enemy-
If revenge on your enemy, or to inflict pain on your enemy is something you are looking for, this can be an extremely hot and powerful sexual exchange. but, be seriously aware of the consequences.

Your therapist- This is illegal, your therapist could lose her license. the appeal is that your therapist knows very intimate details about you and is an authority on your feelings. This can be hot, but do not engage in this behavior unless your therapist doesn't care about her career anymore.

Your parole officer- This is illegal, your parole officer could lose her job. the appeal is that your parole officer knows the crimes you have committed and is an authority on your behaviors. this can be hot, but do not engage in this behavior unless your PO doesn't care about her career anymore.

All of these could be seen as exciting, risk-filled and also ill-advised. YES.
What's the appeal and could they ever be a good idea? They are rarely a good idea.
BUT, if you are still going to engage in any type of illicit sexual act such as the ones mentioned above it is an extremely good idea to set some ground rules first together. And, if the illicit sexual relationship continues for longer periods of time it is advised to regularly revisit these ground rules. Communication is key. If not addressed on a regular basis ground rules, like all rules may be broken too, so with morals aside and loins posed tread carefully, diligently and with focused intent.

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