Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Friday, December 21, 2012

Happy Winters Solstice!

Happy Shortest Day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Sometimes the months pass so fast, I can't believe it's winter already. Summer seems so close.

My summer and fall were filled with lots of fun, beach, parties and yes drinking!! I've been going through a metamorphosis of sorts in terms of finding new found independence, breaking some old die-hard relationship patterns and relishing in my exhilerated-ness of well being... well most of the time. I recent months however, I've found that it's too easy to hang out with friends and carry on, and get derailed from the reality of life.

There is not better time than the present to make change. That's always been my motto, and to compound that there is really no better time than to make change than today's winter's solstice.
It's a great time to start with gratitude. A deep appreciation for what you do have. Your life, your breath, your friends and family. That's where I am starting. Where are you starting?

Here's yet another article I wrote about change... Have a read!