Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Friday, July 22, 2011

Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression and Dream Analysis

We often have road blocks that we are unaware of. We often run around in circles trying to talk about, figure out and uncover what is causing us to act in certain ways, what is causing us to repeat certain behavior patterns. Too often we come up with nothing. We may have small insights along the way, but change doesn't actually get made unless we put certain practices in motion. Sometimes our mind is what prevents us from getting these new behavior patterns going. We hold ourselves back without even knowing we are doing it. Our subconscious mind holds us back.

Sometimes we need a little more than talk therapy to help us move forward. Hypnotherapy and regression therapy can help us move forward with ease and strength.  When we are in a relaxed and meditative state we may become more in tune with ourselves and our unconscious minds. Relaxation gets us to a place where we can go in and make longer lasting changes. Relaxation is key to making new behaviors and changing patterns more effective. Hypnotherapy can also help you understand the basic techniques of relaxation which are at the core of healing such mental disorders such as anger, anxiety, ADHD or ADD, depression, panic disorder, addictions, sexual concerns are more. Hypnotherapy can help you learn the basic notions behind meditation and can unlock many passage ways and path ways in your unconscious, often suppressed by your conscious mind through the concepts of mediation. 

Past Life Regression is a hypnotherapy technique, for those who desire to delve deeper into the core of some of your issues. If you suffer from anxiety, panic, depression and other mental psychological maladies which cause you often, lifelong discomfort, past life regression might be your answer.

Basically, it is the ability to access the details of a past life, one which you may have lived before - depending of course on your personal spiritual belief systems.  Past lives, or just material stored deep in our unconscious are usually accessed while we are in a deep relaxed and meditative state, (think about our dreams..) In past life regression, the individual is gently guided back through time to events or experiences from earlier days of their previous life and previous era. When in this relaxed and meditative state it is much easier and yes, it is possible to access both the emotional and physical feelings of a past life or inner unconscious character (whichever you choose to believe), to explore that character’s life from early childhood to possible old age, death, to in between states and more.

This form of hypnotherapy has been around for a very long time, and most hypnotherapists recognize and practice past life regression, as an enhancement tool to the present-life work that hypnotherapy  and psychotherapy are well known for.

People are often drawn to learn about their past lives in a desire to know if they have in fact experienced another life before, to understand their fascination for a particular period in history, their draw towards certain ideas and concepts and yes often to understand their issues.  Where did this issue come from? The unconscious holds a lot of information that is inaccessible in a waking state. Hypnotherapy makes it easier to become in tune with this information, access it and use it to positively make changes in our present day lives.

Whatever your reason for engaging in past life regression therapy, most will find it life-changing . It may allow you to experience events which are beyond your current life experience level. You may also feel a range of emotions. It will give you the chance to connect with your core, often making you feel more connected to yourself and possibly the universe. Exploring the unconscious or past lives has helped a number of people to release their fears and phobias. One example that is common is fear of death. If, for example, you are coming to terms with terminal illness or aging of a loved one this can be an incredibly liberating experience to know that there may in fact be something else out there. We may be able to tap into it. Who knows what it is for sure, but if it can help with anxieties and phobias of many kind to make this life a more pleasurable one, then I think it's a positive thing.

In general you will find past life regression a more successful choice and option if you go in with an open mind, and allow what reveals itself to just flow. Having a strong desire to understand yourself is key. The ability to relax and concentrate is also helpful, and as such hypnotherapy, at the very least, can also help you develop the skills you need to meditate and relax. Past life regression takes it one step further and can be a real healing experience, uncovering way more than you may have thought possible.