Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Monday, February 13, 2012

Send out your LOVE on Valentines Day!

Yep, tomorrow is Valentines Day, and my Facebook page is flooded with all sorts of positive and negative reminders about the existence of this day. Many love it, many hate it, and many love to hate it. Valentines Day is a commercial holiday designed for lovers, for romance, for our fascination with lust and romantic love, but this year I ask you to do something different. Of course, if you are in a relationship don't ignore your partner, technically I it's a day to celebrate your relationship, to let them know they're special, but it's also a day of love right? And, in my humble opinion, you should be letting your partner know everday how special they are, so Valentines Day should be no different.

I want to turn your attention to sex trafficking this very day. It is a catastrophe, based on a declining economic state of a world, to enslave mostly women sexually to men, (but also men) and not to mention the horrible abuse, humiliation and torture that goes along with it.. It's horrific and unless people get educated about what is happening nothing will change. Education, knowledge and information is the only way we can begin to get a handle on this world crime that is growing bigger by the day.

I've been making a film about positive sexuality. It's called Temples and Brothels, and the initial goal of the project was to inform about sex and religion practices towards acceptance, the breaking down of myths and therefor stigma. One of the main things we have been documenting is prostitution, specifically in legalized brothels where prostitutes are treated with respect and dignity, a lifestyle that is selected by choice. I thought the film was almost done. We'd spent 2011 visiting brothels and talking to prostitutes who also shared this positive view of sexuality. I knew about the trafficking going on but it wasn't until very recently that I felt that I could not make a film, about positive sexuality, about prostitution in legal brothels and completely leave out what is happening in the world with the sex trade and trafficking.

Therefor the film has taken a semi-sharp turn, and now I must return to SouthEast Asia to complete this film. I knew this would happen. Things just have a way of presenting themselves.

I usually take vacation in August and December. Working for myself I get to choose those times. This year instead of a vacation I feel the pull to get over there and find out what is going on, document it on film and then play it for you on the big screen. Education and knowledge are key.

I cannot do this without your help. My partner in crime, ie Producer, on this project is Chris Knitter, Founder of Overlooked Productions, together with him, a couple other camera people and educators Jenae Morgen and Raul Olivas, we've embarked on this journey, of investigative reporting on sex and religion.

We have a website, a facebook page, a twitter. We also have a campaign page where you can contribute money, every dollar helps us pay for expenses, but the biggest contribution you can give is by spreading the word. We're going to Asia, whether we raise the money or not, but the more money we raise, and the more people that know about it, the more comprehensive this project will end up being. Please help by spreading the word. That's all I want for Valentines Day.

As always, learning to be loving or as I call it OCCUPY LOVE is an everyday thing and a lifelong journey, not just for V-day but since it's the day for it here's my special Valentines Day newsletter with all the loving reminders you need.

In Love, Light and Lube,