Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hold Onto Your Power is my motto for you in 2012...

  1. Hold on to your power. Follow the path in front of you, and recognize you will be okay if you do only what is needed in the moment. If you come to a fork in the road, follow your heart.
  2.  Hold on to your power. Follow your vision. Hold steadfast to your dreams, values, passions, ideals. Believe in and be good to yourself.
  3. Use your power for the greater good. Do what comes naturally to you, speak your mind and hold onto your power.
  4. Hold onto your power. Even the greatest of mentors & teachers have nothing on your unique vision what you have to offer to the world. So do Share. Talk. Speak up. 
  5. And read the article I wrote for Your here...