Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Making Sense of the "Rape Fantasy"

While there can obviously be a huge disconnect between how horny a woman feels, and how wet her naughty bits become, the results of this study nevertheless beg the question: Are rape fantasies natural?

Read the article by Steph Auteri here.

P.S I am quoted more than a few times in this article :-)

PPS. The Natural Medicine and Naturopathic Podcast is now available HERE
with Dr. Patti Kim.

And I've got a few cool speakers coming up on Sex & Love Radio 
on June 22 is Steve G. Jones, he's going to talk to us about Self Hypnosis
on July 6 is Frances Nicholais and Laura Apoliona are going to talk to us about Myofascial Release (Massage) to heal the Pelvic Floor.