Sex, Love and Rock n Roll Radio

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Sex Talk - Developing Healthy Patterns Early On

Establishing healthy patterns for relationships early is key- they may be harder to change later on. Subscribe to The Sex Talk- we have new episodes on dating, relationships and sex every week!

Saturday, July 27, 2013


6 Steps to a conscious single hood. There is a myth perpetuated that ‪#‎single‬ people are not happy. This is not true. If you are single, there may be a possibility that you are not ready to share yourself with another person, right now. That is okay.

Talking to your kids about sex...

An older podcast featuring Amy Lang, Parent Educator,
She reminds us how to talk to our kids about sex, and that avoiding the talk may not the best idea.
A must listen for all parents!

Sex Saturday at The Liberace Penthouse are coming back!

Come to Sexy Saturday on Aug 24th. Check out the speaker schedule here.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

When Your Two Exes Are Dating

Do you stay friends with your exes? Then what do you do if they date another ex, or a friend?
This is answered by me and Jenoa on The Sex Talk. Subscribe Free, or follow us on Tumblr we have new episodes every week!

Friday, July 19, 2013

I will be on The ID Channel, Saturday Night 10PM

Tomorrow night at 10PM, on The ID Channel, Check out Poisoned Passions, the story of Dawn Schiller and porn star John Holmes. I'll be on it as well giving my expert input!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fall in Love, and Stay in Love

Here are 5 ways to ensure long term relationship satisfaction. Read the article here...

One-Sided Love Affairs

Maybe you're just not their cup of tea. And that is okay!
Here is why. The Sex Talk. Subscribe today for Free.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sexy Feminists Do Wear Dresses and Lipstick

...and they don't put down Kim Kardashian. Please don't waste your time!
Check out this episode.
Heather and Jennifer the Sexy Feminism co-authors join Jenoa and I on The Sex Talk!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sexy Saturdays get mentioned in the Hollywood Reporter

My summer workshop series got a mention in this weeks Hollywood Reporter. Read the article here.

And don't forget to stop by the website to see the summer Sexy Saturday schedule here...

Friday, July 5, 2013

Please Welcome Amie Harwick, MFT Intern

Amie Harwick is a Marriage and Family Therapy Intern who recently joined the Los Angeles Sex Therapy family. She is now taking on new clients at the West Hollywood location.

Here is an article she wrote on BDSM for EliteDaily.

Also, please stop by her Facebook page and Twitter page and say Hello. 

Newsletter -Sexy Feminism and Porn

July's newsletter seemed to be filled to the brim with feminism and porn. Remember it is free to subscribe at

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Breaking Up

Me  and Jenoa Harlow are back with the Sex Talk. In this episode we discuss breaking up, and remind viewers that grief, loss and change are universal experiences. We discuss marriage, fear of abandonment and encourage people to keep in mind that breaking up can be done in a healthy way. Also discussed are ways to heal after a break up including avoiding stalking and obsessing on facebook, and avoiding social venues if there is a risk of running into them. As always we emphasize self care, honesty, and being genuine with yourself.